Settlements: we get you money!
Workers' compensation settlements are based on percentages of disability. The basic idea is that your body before the injury was at one level of ability and the work injury has caused it to be less able to work.
Partial Disability
- Most injuries partially disable a worker. The individual is able to return to work but they are partially disabled. A settlement is based on the amount of disability a worker experiences.
Permanent Disability
- Some injuries are so severe that an employee is rendered permanently disabled. These cases resolve with a large lump sum settlement or a weekly check for life.
Pain & Suffering
- We have only talked about disability. What about pain and suffering? Workers' compensation does not factor in pain and suffering.
Disfiguring Injuries
- If an injury is disfiguring and on the face, neck, hands, or arms, a worker may receive compensation in addition to disability. No other part of the body, no matter how disfigured, qualifies for compensation.