There are Hundreds of Work Injuries...
- Sprain (Joint Injury)
- Strain (Pulled Muscles)
- Fracture
- Ligament injury
- Tendon Injury
- Tendonitis
- Puncture wounds
- Bruises/Contusions
- Cuts
- Fracture
- Cuts/Lacerations
- Lateral Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow)
- Biceps tendon tear
- Bursitis Work-Related
- Work-Related Tennis Elbow
- Elbow Injury
- Epicondylitis at Work
- Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome
- Ulnar Nerve Injury
- Back Injury at Work
- Back Pain from Work
- Lower Back Pain at Work
- Chronic Back Pain
- Cervical Disc Replacement
- Cervical Fusion
- Thoracic Spine Disc
- Lumbar Disc Replacement
- Lumbar Fusion
- Lumbar Spinal Fusion
- Spinal Cord Injury at Work
- Spondylolysis
- Work-Related Herniated Disc
- Work-Related Neck Pain
- Work-Related Neck Injury
- Work-Related Herniated Disc
- Sciatica Work-Related
- Sprain at Work
- Strain at Work
- Bulging Discs
- Herniated Discs
- Work-Related Foot Injuries
- Calcaneus Fracture
- All Foot Fractures
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Tarsal Tunnel
- Stress Fracture
- Crushing Injury
- Puncture Wound
- Laceration
- Bruises/Contusion
- Finger Amputation
- Work-Related Injuries to the Hand
- Trigger Finger Work-Related
- Crushing
- Bruising
- Muscle or Tendon Sprain Strain.
- Thumb Overuse
- Occupational Dermatitis
- Head Injury Internal Bleeding
- Brain Injuries
- Traumatic Brain Injury
- Concussion
- Work-Related Head Injury
- Closed Head Injury
- Open Head Injury
- Work-Related Eye Injury
- Work-Related Hearing Loss
- Skull Fracture
- Intracerebral Hemorrhage
- Lost Tooth at Work
- Vertebroplasty
- Vision Impairment
- Lost Vision at Work
- Hearing Loss
- Intracranial Injury
- Broken Jaw
- Any Broken Bone
- Hip Replacement
- Hip Injuries
- Hip Fracture
- Hip Replacement
- Hip Injuries
- Hip Sprain Strain
- Hip Bruise
- Pelvic Fracture
- Cuts/Lacerations
- Work-Related ACL Injury
- Work-Related PCL Injury
- Work-Related MCL Injury
- Work-Related LCL Injury
- Leg Amputation
- Work-Related Knee Injuries
- Knee Fracture
- Patella Fracture
- Knee Dislocation
- Ligament Injuries
- Meniscus Tear
- Cartilage Injury
- Cuts/Lacerations
- Work-Related Mental Illness
- Work-Related PTSD
- Work-Related Stress
- Legionnaires Disease
- Mesothelioma from Work
- Work-Related Muscle Problems
- Nerve Damage from Work-Related Injury
- Neurological Disorders
- Radiation Sickness
- Work-Related Asthma
- Work-Related COPD
- Rotator Cuff Tear
- Rotator Cuff Surgery
- Work-Related Rotator Cuff Injury
- Shoulder Fusion
- Shoulder Impingement
- Shoulder Injury
- Work-Related Shoulder Pain
- Carpal Tunnel
- De Quervains Syndrome
- Cubital Tunnel Syndrome
- Nerve Compression
- Fracture
- Cuts/Lacerations
- Work-Related Arthritis
- Accidental Asphyxiation
- Internal Bleeding after Injury
- Blood-Related Illness
- Broken Bones
- Burn Injury at Work
- Electric Burn
- Electrocution
- Chemical Burn
- Contagious Disease
- Skin Corrosion
- CRPS Disease
- Crush Injuries
- Work-Related Death
- Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy
- Heart Attack Work-Related
- Hernia Work-Related Injury
- Laceration
- Repetitive Stress Injury
- Ligament Tear
- Organ Damage
- Paralysis
- Limb Loss
- Stress Fracture
- Subdural Hematoma
- Work-Related Tendonitis